3 min readApr 29, 2021

Here is my story, so far…

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five year mission… Just kidding.

However, I have been a lurker and reader on here for a little over a year now. Finally decided to take an adventurous plunge and submit an intro writing here.

Currently, I am 6 months into my 50th year of life, which means now I am starting the “downward trip” in life. Although, when I tell people I am 50, they find it hard to believe. I have to show my drivers license to prove it. lol.

Here are a few things about me.

1. My job. Currently, I am a software developer for a small marine electronics company. My focus is in the world of C#, .Net, and desktop applications. I have worked at my current job for about 16 years now. I am mostly a self-taught developer. I am looking to perhaps start a side hustle in web developing.

2. My faith. Faith in an important part of my life. I grew up in the church and was brought to salvation in Jesus Christ, when I was 10 years old. It was not taken seriously until later in life. Coincidently, my life verse is Proverbs 3:27, which reads, “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.”. This verse translates, for me, “With great power comes great responsibilities”.

3. Diet. My way of eating is mostly a hybrid of keto and carnivore. This way of eating started about 6–1/2 years ago, when I was first diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. It did not sink in how “big” I really was until I saw a video recording of me in a church Christmas cantata. That is when my fitness and health journey began, in November 2012. My weight, then, was about 330lbs, with an A1C of 7.1. As of this writing, April 29, 2021, I am 195.2lbs and my type-2 diabetes markers have been reversed. My A1C, at my last doctor visit, was 4.7. Now that I have met one of my goals, to get below 200lbs, my next goal is to get to my goal weight of 176 lbs.

4. Introverted personality. My personality, per the Myers-Briggs Type, is an INFJ, which means I tend to approach life with deep throughfulness and imagination. My inner vision, personal values, quiet, and principles guide most things in my life, along with my faith. Although, I am not afraid to give hugs, to those friends and family, who seem to need them.

5. Hobbies and interests. I have several hobbies and interest. One, I kind of confessed with my life verse, is a fondness for anything DC and Marvel comics. I just recently, during the pandemic, got interested in watching anime. I am currently working through “One Piece” and “Fairy Tail”, as my anime “gateway”. I also enjoy working on and fixing computers. Currently, at my church, I run the media computer for most Sunday and Wednesday services. I also help out, some of the more “seasoned” church members, with fixing various computer issues they have.

Thank you for your interest in reading my first article.


Avid Coffee-Drinker, Gadget Junkie, Software Developer, PC Fixer, Christian Nerd, and World of Warcraft player.